Archive | December, 2013

Shaken Cocktails- Poisoned Oak

21 Dec

Followinf on from yesterday’s post the second cocktail in the latest Shaken Cocktails/ Cocktails by Post kit is a Poisoned Oak, again from  Trailer Happiness (and if I ever needed an incentive to visit them these two cocktails have been more the enough)

The recipe (and as always a lot more detailed and descriptive in the kit) is:

  • Juice of a lime
  • 2 level teaspoons of eucalyptus sugar (stirred into the lime)
  • 50ml white rum
  • 5ml Maraschino
  • 5ml Pomegranate molasses

All shaken over plenty of ice


The end result- wow! I thought yesterday’s was good but this was even better. The mix of sweet, sour and tangy is lip-smackingly good and the combination of flavours means it’s a drink that keeps you coming back for more. It has a real rum hit but the mix of other flavours perfectly compliments this and they are all well balanced. A winner.


Shaken Cocktails- Daiquiri

20 Dec

Moving house has meant I haven’t had a chance to use all the Shaken Cocktails/ Cocktails by Post kits I’ve received but when the latest one popped through our letterbox we wasted no time in trying it.


Daiquiris are often on a menu as something frozen, sweet, artificial and out of a packet so I have long avoided them. But this one promises rum with fresh ingredients so we took no convincing to try it.

The recipe, from Trailer Happiness, (and as always a lot more detailed and descriptive in the kit) is:

  • Juice of a lime
  • 2 level teaspoons of caster sugar (stirred into the lime)
  • 50ml white rum

All shaken over plenty of ice


The end result- amazing! It was fresh and flavourful with a real rum kick and the balance of sweet and sour was perfect. This is a drink I know I’ll return to again and again now I have tasted it in its purest form (and writing this weeks later this has now become a go-to drink when anyone comes over and it proves endlessly popular) For a drink that is so simple to make it has a taste that belies that and will keep you coming back for more. I can’t wait to try it with a dark rum and see the difference.