Archive | October, 2013

Aviation No 1

13 Oct

I first had an Aviation at London Cocktail Week and it was a revelation to me. Light, flavourful and refreshing, the combination of flavours seemed perfect. I immediately bought a small bottle of Creme de Violette at Gerry’s and searched for a recipe.

The recipe I have used is from Diffords and is for an Aviation No 1 (an Aviation No 2 omits the violette which isn’t essential but I like the unusual flavour twist it gives as well as the subtle colour change)


The basic recipe is:

  • 1 ¾ shot gin
  • ½ shot maraschino
  • ¼ shot creme de violette
  • ½ shot freshly squeezed lemon juice

All shaken with ice or ½ shot water added

p.s. I hope you’re as in love with Monkey Alan as I am


Cocktail Hour With The Talented Mr Fox

8 Oct

The London Cocktail Society tonight hosted a great event with Matt Whiley of Talented Mr Fox at One Leicester Street.

The menu began with some specially selected drinks (which were amazing) and then moved onto their full menu (also amazing) This really is a bar to come to if you’re serious about good drinks with amazing flavours using unusual ingredients well.

We indulged in a couple of drinks each but some of the highlights were:


‘Have a Word’ Few Gin, TMF Dandelion flower spun yellow chartreuse with lime and maraschino bitters


‘White Ape’ Moonshine Kid corn whiskey, Kamm and sons, Antica Formulas, sweetcorn


The special menu

bitterwithatwist_08-10-2013-bThe regular menu


After a few drinks we headed off to HK Diner for chinese food and taro bubble tea– the perect way to end any evening out.




Callooh Callay Sweet Menu Launch

3 Oct

Normally I stay away from whisky and sweet drinks but an invite to the opening of ‘The Candy Store’ at Callooh Callay proved irresistible even though it was billed as ‘whisky, cocktails and candy.

The menu of course featured lots of treats but sadly the one I was most interested in, featuring liquorice, wasn’t yet ready so we had to instead dive into the sweeter side of things.

Due to a combination of heading off soon after to another bar and the physical menu here being entirely edible I can’t give you names of what we enjoyed but rest assured we did enjoy them and will be back.



I apologise for the poor mobile photos- it was all much more tempting than I’ve made it look!